18 1cover

ISSN 17276799
DOI:DOI 10.30001/JIES.2021
美容科技學刊   18卷1期
Journal of International Esthetic Science
2021/  Volume 18-1

Learning Effectiveness Analysis of the Professional License for Beauty Industry
作者: 詹慧珊* Chan, Hui-Shan* ,朱惠英,Chu, Hui-Ying ,蔡宜萱 Tsai, Yi-Hsuan 



    本研究旨在探討專科學校化妝品應用科學生,對於美容乙級專業證照學習成效。隨著全 球經濟時代的來臨,化妝品產業快速變遷,對於專業證照取得為推動重要策略及課題。 職場具備專業證照是求職者之競爭力,美容從業人員取得勞動部「美容丙、乙級證照」, 對增進化妝保養品安全知識技術瞭解,可增進化妝品企業經營推展。相關研究提出,健全的 證照制度,完善的人才培育,可達有效的管理。本研究採問卷調查方式,探討在校學生美容 乙級證照學習成效,作為學校人才培育課程規劃的參考;研究對象總計 60 名:具備「彩妝學 與實作」、「美膚學實務」「美容衛生學」等科目之基礎能力。研究方法:參考國內外文獻探討, 以問卷調查法方式進行分析,期待本議題喚起對專業證照重視及影響學習成效因素參酌。



    This research aims to explore the learning effectiveness of students in the cosmetic application speciality in the specialised college for the B-level Professional License for Beauty. With the advent of the global economic era, the rapid changes happened in the cosmetics industry, obtaining professional licenses has become an important strategy and topic promoted. It is competitive power for job seekers to have professional licenses in the job market. Through obtaining the “B-level or C-level Professional License for Beauty” from the Ministry of Labor, practitioners in the beauty industry can enhance their understanding on the safety knowledge and technologies of cosmetics and skin care products, and it can enhance the business development of cosmetics enterprises. Related researches have proposed that a sound license system and perfect talent cultivation can achieve effective management. In this study, the questionnaire survey was used to explore the learning effectiveness of students for the B-level Professional License for Beauty, as reference for the curriculum planning of schools’ talent cultivation. Research subject: A total of 60 students with basic capacity in subjects such as “cosmetics and practice”, “skin beauty practice” and “beauty hygiene”, etc. Research method: It refers to the domestic and foreign literature to make analysis through the questionnaire survey. It is expected that this research can arouse the attention on professional licenses and research the factors that affect the learning effectiveness as reference.

Keywords: Professional License for Beauty, learning effectiveness


Efficacy Assessment of Niosome Encapsulating Sugarcane Peel Extract
作者: 王漢傑* Wang, Han-Chieh ,洪于翔 Hung, Yu-Hsiang , 劉欣妤 Liu, Hsin-Yu , 潘峙坊 Pan, Chih-Fang , 鄭晧吟 Cheng, Hao-Yin 


    本研究取甘蔗皮萃取液,以 Span20 非離子型界面活性劑,添加植物甾醇以 5:1 之比例製 備成囊泡載體進行功效性評估。實驗取 2 g 紫紅色甘蔗皮粉末加入 10% Butylene Glycol 水溶 液以超音波加微波之複合式方法萃取出甘蔗皮多醣與多酚。結果顯示,多醣萃取率為 42.0±3.8%,多酚率為 2.10±0.1%。此外,Span 20 添加植物甾醇製備之囊泡,第 1 天粒徑為 112.20±2.98 nm,第 28 天時其粒徑為 135.43±1.42 nm,此結果說明配方經過 28 天高、低溫度 虐待實驗,囊泡載體具有相當之安定性;囊泡載體塗抹於皮膚上 28 天後,皮膚角質層保濕度 提升 31%;依前述結果說明, Span20 添加植物甾醇包覆甘蔗皮萃取液製備之囊泡,具有相 當之安定性及功效性,未來可做為化妝品之材料。

關鍵詞: 甘蔗皮、超音波、微波萃取、植物甾醇、囊泡載體


    This research utilizes sugarcane peel extract for efficacy assessment of a niosome prepared by mixing Span 20 non-ionic surfactant with phytosterol at a ratio of 5:1. For the experiment, an aqueous solution of 10% Butylene Glycol was added to 2g of purple-red sugarcane peel powder to extract sugarcane peel polysaccharide and polyphenol by adopting a composite ultrasound and microwave extraction method. The results of the experiment indicate polysaccharide and polyphenol extraction rates of 42.0±3.8% and 2.10±0.1%. In addition, the particle size of niosome prepared by adding phytosterol to Span 20 increases from 112.20±2.98 nm on the 1st day to 135.43±1.42 nm on the 28th day. This result demonstrates that the niosome of the formula exhibits considerable stability after 28-day thermal abuse testing (at high and low temperatures). 28 days after applying the niosome to the skin, the moisture level of the stratum corneum is 31% higher than before. The aforementioned results clearly show that the stability and efficacy of niosome prepared by mixing Span20 with phytosterol encapsulating sugarcane extract is considerably high and may therefore be used as a cosmetics ingredient in the future.

Keywords: sugarcane peel, Ultrasound extraction, microwave extracted, phytosterol, Niosomes


Efficiency Analysis on Cosmetology Design Education In Junior College
作者: 葉孺萱* Yeh, Ju-Hsuan* ,羅彩雲 Lo, Tsai-Yun , 吳曉玲 Wu, Hsiao-Ling 


    本研究旨在探討五專美容設計教育之效益分析,整合五專美容相關科系之教育發展、課程結構、實習內涵,探討五專美容設計教育的教育發展沿革,與分析五專美容設計教育課程 結構,以及探究五專美容設計教育實施校外實習教育之內涵,奠定五專美容設計教育根基, 提供美容相關產業界學術專精的人力資源,締造美容相關產業精湛的經濟價值。 本研究以台灣地區公私立五專美容設計教育進行研究調查,為能深入瞭解五專美容設計 教育之教育發展、課程結構、實習內涵之相關議題,本研究以質性研究與量化研究方式進行, 分別為: 文件分析、參與訪談、焦點團體、參與觀察、敘述性統計、因素分析、單因子變異 數分析、語意詮釋模式(ISM) 等方法進行資料之蒐集。 五專美容設計教育相關科系專業課程規劃,可依據課程模組進行規劃,深度與廣度由淺 至深,分別為:基礎課程、進階課程、實務課程、整合課程,讓學生習得專業技術與知能,以 及培育學生快速適應職場工作生態的自主性、行動力、應適性,置入核心職能課程,儲如:職 業倫理、人際溝通、情緒管理、行銷管理、生涯規劃等課程或活動、講座、觀摩之方式,厚 植學生的競爭力。



    The purpose of this study is to explore the benefit analysis of cosmetology design education in five-year junior college, integrate the educational development of cosmetology-related departments, curriculum structures, and internship contents, investigate the evolution of cosmetology design education, analyze its course structures, and explore the off-campus internship contents to lay down the educational foundation of cosmetology design education in five-year junior college, providing refined human resources to the cosmetology industry and academia, and creating outstanding economic values for the cosmetology industry. The subjects of this study included the public and private five-year junior colleges in Taiwan. Qualitative research and quantitative research were utilized in this study to collect data in order to deeply investigate the educational development, curriculum structures, and internship contents in five-year junior colleges, including documentary research, interview method, focus group, observation, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, one-way analysis of variance, and interpretive semantics model (ISM). The professional curriculum projecting of cosmetology design education in five-year junior college can be implemented in accordance with the course module, progressing from beginning to advanced courses in depth and breadth. Including: basic course, advanced courses, hands-one courses, and integrated courses. Students will learn the professional skills and knowledge as well as develop the autonomy, action and adaptability of students in quick adjusting to the workplace. The curriculum can be embedded with core competency courses, including: work ethics, interpersonal communication, emotion control, marketing management, career planning courses or activities, seminars and observations to establish students with solid foundation in competitiveness.

Keywords: five-year junior college, cosmetology design education, curriculum, internship


The Anti-aging Study of Ficus formosana Maxim Extract
作者: 楊寄明* Yang, Ge-Ming , 黃怡仁 Huang, I-Jen , 呂思潔 Leu, Sy-Jye , 陳宜嫻 Chen, Yi-Shyan 



    台灣本土植物台灣 天 仙 果 常 用 作 為 民 間 草 藥,本 研 究 主 要 開 發 台 灣 天 仙 果 萃取物之抗老化用途,研 究 結 果 顯 示,台 灣 天仙果萃取物對於抑制纖維母細胞 中 的 基 質 金 屬 蛋 白 酶 (MMP)有 絕 佳 活 性 , 同 時 具 抑 制 彈 性 蛋 白 酶 ( elastase) 活 性,人 體 試 驗 結 果 發 現 其 具 有 皮 膚 防 皺、保 存 水 分 及 增 加 彈 性 等 抗 老 化 功 效。

關鍵詞: 台 灣 天仙果、基質金屬蛋白酶、彈性蛋白酶、抗老化


    Ficus formosana Maxim., a native plant in Taiwan, has been used as folk medicine. This aim of this study is to investigate the use of Ficus formosana Maxim. extract for preventing skin aging, According to studies, extract of Ficus formosana Maxim. are effective in inhibiting the activities of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and inhibiting the activity of elastase. Furthermore, human studies results have been shown to possess potent skin wrinkle-free, water retention and increase the flexibility and other anti-aging function.

Keywords: Ficus formosana Maxim., MMPs, elastase, anti-aging


大專校院美容校外實習生時間管理與工作滿意度之 研究-以樂觀為中介變項
The Study on the Relationships between Time Management and Job Satisfaction of the Off-campus Interns of Cosmetology Related Departments of Universities and Colleges: Using Optimism as Mediating Variables
作者: 蕭予葶 Hsiao, Yu-Ting 



    本研究旨在探討大專校院美容校外實習生的時間管理、工作滿意度、樂觀三者之關聯, 並探究時間管理是否能透過樂觀之中介,對工作滿意度產生影響。利用 363 份有效正式問卷 以獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數、皮爾森積差相關係數進行分析,並進一步以結構方程模 式探究時間管理是否可透過樂觀之中介效果對工作滿意度產生間接關係。 研究結果顯示:時間管理對工作滿意度沒有正向關係;時間管理對樂觀具有正向關係; 樂觀對工作滿意度具有正向關係;時間管理會透過樂觀對工作滿意度產生間接關係,更發現 不同背景變項對工作滿意度有顯著影響。根據研究結果,提出相關建議,供相關產業與未來 研究者參酌。



    The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between time management, job satisfaction, and optimism of off-campus interns of cosmetology related departments of universities and colleges. In addition, to explore whether time management can influence job satisfaction through optimistic mediation. A total of 363 valid official questionnaire data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation. Moreover, SEM is used to verify the relationship among time management and job Satisfaction of the subjects.

    The main conclusions are as follows: (1) There are no significant influences in time management and Job Satisfaction of the subjects. (2) Time management can directly affect Optimism Positively. (3) Optimism can directly affect Job Satisfaction Positively. (4) Optimism partly mediates the relationship between time management and Job Satisfaction. (5) The background variables show differences on Job Satisfaction. Finally, this study provides some recommendations for future research and beauty-related industry managers.

Keywords: Cosmetology related departments、Off-campus internship、Time management、 Optimism、Job satisfaction


Study on Anti-inflammatory Effect of Facial Mask Essence of Plant Extract Compound
作者: 林文宏 Lin, Wen-Hung 


     本研究以植物提取物複方之面膜精華液,進行體外細胞抗發炎效果之測試,並對其安全 性研究加以彙 整。以植 物提取物複方 之面膜精 華液,利用巨 噬細胞株 細菌脂多醣 (lipopolysaccharide, LPS)作用,分析三種發炎反應因子濃度,評估其抗發炎效果,包括一 氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)、介白素 6(interleukin 6, IL-6)及腫瘤壞死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-alpha, TNF-α),同時進行細胞毒性(microculture tetrazolium assay, MTT assay)分析。 結果顯示,添加 2.5 %植物提取物複方之面膜精華液,具顯著抗發炎反應,添加 2.5%可抑制 LPS 誘發 IL-6 之生成量 23.8%;對 NO 與 TNF-α 之生成則無顯著抑制作用。細胞毒性分 析,在各受測濃度下,不具細胞毒性。綜上結果,植物提取物複方之面膜精華液,對於體外 細胞層面之研究,呈現正效應。然,植物提取物複方之面膜精華液,整體之臨床治療效果, 仍需更進一步研究。



    In this study the facial mask essence of plant extract compound was tested in vitro for cell anti-inflammatory effects, and compile its safety research. This study used this compound to analyze the concentration of three inflammatory response factors under the action of macrophage bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to evaluate its anti-inflammatory effect. This effect includes nitric oxide (NO), interleukin 6, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Simultaneously, perform cytotoxicity (microculture tetrazolium assay, MTT assay) analysis. The results show that the addition of 2.5% plant extract compound mask essence can inhibit the production of IL-6 induced by LPS by 23.8%, and has a significant anti-inflammatory response; it has no significant nhibitory effect on the production of NO and TNF-α. In terms of cytotoxicity analysis, there is no cytotoxicity at all tested concentrations. In summary, the facial mask essence of plant extract compound shows a positive effect on in vitro cell-level. However, the overall clinical therapeutic effect of the facial mask essence of plant extract compound still needs further research.

Keywords: plant extracts, anti-inflammatory, lipopolysaccharide, LPS


The Creation of Using Recycled Denim in Clothing Design
作者: 顏怡庭 Yan, Yi-Ting , 王如妤 Wang, Ju-Yu,Tsai, Ci-Jia , 陳立賢* Chen, Li-Hsien 


    牛仔褲是用厚實的帆布裁為美國淘金工人所設計的褲子,因淘金工人穿著的棉布褲易磨 破,在 18 世紀末至 19 世紀被發展牛仔布的材料耐磨、耐用,進而成普遍的工作服,後來牛 仔也喜歡上,漸漸流行起來,受到各個不同階層人士喜愛。這稱丹寧的棉布所製成牛仔衣褲, 此棉布後來通稱為「牛仔布」。 日趨流行的牛仔服裝為了滿足龐大的消費者需求,生產時需要經過大量染色、水洗的方 式,故同時帶來許多負面的影響,造成消耗了大量的水資源,對於生態環境造成的污染跟破 壞。本研究秉持環保意識透過將廢棄的服裝進行回收再利用仔服裝剪裁重組及拼接方式可續 性設計方式去創新、拼接及局部重組環保又時尚,賦予牛仔服裝新的價值。 使用廢棄牛仔服裝面料,利用不同材質去融合,,將牛仔的陽剛堅硬與紗和蕾絲及珍珠 的溫柔感相互融合使其更加柔和,展現出陽剛又不失女性的氣質,更顯女人化,讓單一的牛 仔布多了一些層次感,利用舊衣改造打造出全新的造型設計。



    Jeans, which used to be made of thick canvas, was designed for gold diggers in the United States. However, because cotton made trousers were easy to be worn out, when the new material came out in the late 18th to early 19th century, hard to worn out, durable working suit make it a prevalent in all levels, inclusive of cowboys. The clothing made of denim cotton was later known “denim”. In order to meet the huge consumer demand, the increasingly popular denim garments need to undergo a lot of dyeing and washing methods during production, which brings many negative effects at the same time, resulting in the consumption of a large amount of water resources, and pollution and damage to the ecological environment. This research adheres to the awareness of environmental protection, recycling and reusing discarded clothing. Tailoring, reorganization, and splicing methods. Sustainable design methods to innovate, splice and partial reorganization, environmentally friendly and fashionable, giving denim clothing new value. The use of discarded denim clothing fabrics and the use of different materials to integrate, the masculine hardness of denim and the gentleness of yarn, lace and pearls are combined to make it softer, showing masculine and feminine temperament, and more feminine, making A single denim fabric has a little more layering, using old clothes to transform to create a brand-new styling design.

Key words: tannin, environmental protection, sustainable design





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