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ISSN 17276799
DOI 10.30001/JIES.202112_19(2).
美容科技學刊  19卷2期
Journal of International Esthetic Science
2022/  Volume 19-2

To Explore the Correlation Between Consumer BehaviorTo Explore the Correlation Between Consumer Behaviorand the Perceived Value of Food Certification AmongTaiwanese Consumers

刘禧贤Liu, Hsi-Hsien / 张荣Zhang, Rong / 曾士齐*Tseng, Shih-Chi

摘 要

  近年来食品安全问题接踵而至,降低了消费者对政府政策与食品安全的信任度。本研究近年来食品安全问题接踵而至,降低了消费者对政府政策与食品安全的信任度。本研究通过公开网络问卷,针对消费者对于「食品认证标识」进行调查,分析受测者对认证食品的购买行与各项标识的态度和行为。本次研究共发放问卷350 份,有效问卷308 份,回收率为88%。问卷由定量表变数组成:卷标识别、产品信任度和购买意愿相关性。结果表明:(1)消费者对标章认知对知觉价值有显著正向影响。(2)消费者对标章认知对产品信任有显著正向影响。(3)消费者对知觉价值对产品信任有显著正向影响。(4)消费者产品信任对购买意愿有显著正向影响。显示当消费者对于食品认证标章富有信任之期待,整体会影响其购买力,由此可推估食品认证标章对于消费者购买意愿上具有正向影响力。结果显示,当消费者信任食品认证标签时,会影响他们的购买力和消费意愿。由此推断,食品认证标签正对消费者的消费行为产生积极影响。



    Food safety issues have followed in recent years, reducing consumers' trust in governmentFood safety issues have followed in recent years, reducing consumers' trust in governmentpolicies. An analysis of consumers’ attitudes and behaviors towards food and their purchasebehavior labels was conducted by conducting the "Food Certification Labeling Standards" survey,which aimed to assess whether the public trusts the relevant signs and whether they have a sense oftrust in them. A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed in this study, of which 308 were valid,with a recovery rate of 88%. The questionnaire consisted of quantitative table variables: labelidentification, product trust, and purchase intention correlation. The results show that: (1)Consumers believe that standard seal cognition is valuable. (2) Consumers' perception of qualitylabels affects their trust in products. (3) Consumers significantly impact the perceived value ofproducts. (4) Consumer goods trust has a significant positive impact on purchase intention. To sumup, when consumers trust food certification labels, it affects their purchasing power and willingnessto spend. From this, it can be inferred that food certification labels are positively affectingconsumers' consumption behavior.

Keywords: Food Quality Certification, Consumer Behavior

2 植物乳桿菌發酵液作為皮膚保養品之安全性植物乳桿菌發酵液作為皮膚保養品之安全性與功效性評估
Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of Lactobacillusplantarum GKM3 Fermented Filtrate as Skin-careProducts
陳婉屏Chen, Wan-Ping / 蔡侑珊Tsai, You-Shan / 陳彥博Chen, Yen-Po / 顏峰霖Yen, Feng-Lin / 陳勁初Chen, Chin-Chu


摘 要

  從傳統醃漬物分離出之植物乳桿菌Lactobacillus plantarum GKM3 經培養後,其發酵液依從傳統醃漬物分離出之植物乳桿菌Lactobacillus plantarum GKM3 經培養後,其發酵液依「化粧品衛生管理條例」以體外試驗進行安全性(細胞毒性、皮膚刺激性)及功效性評估。安全性試驗結果顯示,GKM3 發酵液對皮膚細胞不會引起發炎或毒性反應,是安全的皮膚外用成分。功效性試驗結果顯示,GKM3 發酵液可提高細胞能量ATP 含量及抗老基因Cisd2 表現量,推測GKM3 發酵液可有效清除自由基,維持細胞能量代謝,延長細胞壽命。臨床試驗上,肌膚敏感組與肌膚衰老組使用含有GKM3 發酵液之保養品12 週後,皆顯示臉部肌膚彈性顯著提升,且肌膚衰老組之皺紋獲明顯改善。綜合上述結果,GKM3 發酵液是安全且可作為抗老功效之皮膚保養品成分。



    Lactobacillus plantarum GKM3 isolated from traditional pickles was cultured, and itsLactobacillus plantarum GKM3 isolated from traditional pickles was cultured, and itsfermented filtrate was evaluated in vitro in accordance with the “Statute for Control of CosmeticHygiene” for safety (cytotoxicity, skin irritation) and efficacy assessments. The results of the safetytest showed that GKM3 fermented filtrate did not cause inflammation or cytotoxicity to the skincells, and is a safe topical ingredient for skin. The efficacy test results showed that GKM3fermentation filtrate could increase the cellular energy ATP content and the expression of anti-aginggene Cisd2. It is speculated that GKM3 fermented filtrate may effectively scavenge free radicals,maintain cellular energy metabolism, and prolong cell lifespan. In clinical trials, a significantimprovement on the skin elasticity was observed in both the sensitive skin group and the skin aginggroup after using the skin care product containing GKM3 fermented filtrated for 12 weeks. Besides,the reduction of the wrinkles in skin aging group was significantly observed. Based on the aboveresults, GKM3 fermented filtrate is safe and can be used as a skin care ingredient for anti-agingeffect.

Keywords: postbiotics, anti-wrinkle, skin elasticity, facial nursing


 3. 臺灣羅勒葉粉末抗發炎之研究臺灣羅勒葉粉末抗發炎之研究

Study on Anti-Inflammation of Taiwan Ocimumbasilicum L. Leaf Powder
林文宏Lin, Wen-Hung / 劉家祐Liu, Chia-Yu / 王郁玟Wang, Yu-Wen / 郭恆宏 Kuo, Heng-Hung


摘 要

本文以臺灣羅勒(Ocimum basilicum L.)俗稱九層塔的植物葉部做為材料,研究其對巨噬本文以臺灣羅勒(Ocimum basilicum L.)俗稱九層塔的植物葉部做為材料,研究其對巨噬細胞株的抗發炎效果。體外培養的細胞株被應用來分析下列三種促炎因子,包含一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)、白介素6(interleukin 6, IL-6)及腫瘤壞死因子-α(tumor necrosisfactor-alpha, TNF-α); 並進行細胞毒性(microculture tetrazolium assay, MTT assay)分析。結果顯示,羅勒葉並不具抑制由細菌脂多醣(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)所誘導巨噬細胞株產生的NO、IL-6 與TNF-α之發炎反應。同時,在本研究之測試濃度下,未測得顯著細胞毒性。綜上所述,羅勒葉在體外培養的細胞模式中,不能有效抑制 LPS 所刺激誘導 NO、IL-6 與TNF-α的發炎反應,且無毒性反應。



    In this research, the leaves of Taiwan Ocimum basilicum L. were used as materials to exploreIn this research, the leaves of Taiwan Ocimum basilicum L. were used as materials to exploreits anti-inflammatory effect on macrophage cell lines. In vitro cultured cell lines were used toanalyze the following three pro-inflammatory factors, including nitric oxide(NO), interleukin 6(IL-6)and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF -α); In addition, cytotoxicity (microculture tetrazoliumassay, MTT assay) analysis was performed. The results showed that Ocimum basilicum L. leaves didnot inhibit the inflammatory response of NO, IL-6 and TNF-α produced by bacteriallipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced macrophage cell lines. Meanwhile, no significant cytotoxicitywas detected at the concentrations tested in this study. In conclusion, Ocimum basilicum L, leavescannot effectively inhibit the inflammatory response of NO, IL-6 and TNF-α induced by LPSstimulation in the cell model of in vitro culture, and there is no toxic reaction.

Keywords: Ocimum basilicum L, inflammatory factors, macrophage42


4. 臺灣漢人傳統服飾應用於娃體上進行實驗性探討臺灣漢人傳統服飾應用於娃體上進行實驗性探討

An Experimental Discussion on the Application ofTraditional Taiwanese Han Costumesonto Baby Bodies

邱筱婷*Chiu, Hsiao-Ting

摘 要








    Taiwan's early life and clothing culture integrated the natural and social environment, andTaiwan's early life and clothing culture integrated the natural and social environment, andgradually formed a local style. In addition to the different styles of Fujian and Hakka, Taiwanesetraditional clothing can be divided into two series: southern Fujian clothing and Hakka clothing.Hakka is a branch of the Han nationality. During the development of Taiwan, southern Fujian andHakka coexisted together. The situation in which the Fujian and the guests lived together separatelywas finalized. The separation of Hokkien and guests allowed the customs of the two ethnic groupsto retain their own characteristics, which were also reflected in their clothing. As the governmenthas made every effort to promote the local "cultural and creative industries" movement in recentyears, it is hoped that "local characteristic industries" will be managed and developed through"community building as a whole", so that it can integrate cultural arts and creative design, andcreate industrial advantages and employment opportunities. The promotion plan of TaishanTownship's "Industrial Culture Museum" discussed in this research is to take the original localcultural characteristic industry - "Barbie Industrial Culture" as the main body of promotion, and the"Doll Clothing Design" in the plan "And production" is closely related to the current clothingindustry. Cooperate with the results of this research, assist in the design and development of culturalproducts related to the "Doll Industry Cultural Center" in Taishan Township, and promote culturalindustries with local characteristics.In this study, a comprehensive discussion is made based on the current special book on theproduction technology of traditional Taiwanese costumes, and its production technology, especiallythe flat shape of the fit version, is reduced in proportion, and it is experimentally applied to the dollbody that is not a real human body. Using the methods in the existing production technology book,in the way of fitting clothes, observation, comparison and analysis, and then classifying thein the way of fitting clothes, observation, comparison and analysis, and then classifying theproblems, the production method suitable for baby clothes is researched. In particular, thetraditional costumes in this study have been extended and developed to create doll clothing designswith oriental characteristics, in line with the promotion characteristics of local cultural industries inTaiwan today, and give full play to the benefits of economic production capacity. Data collectionand analysis are carried out by means of literature analysis and fieldwork interviews.The mainanalytical arguments take the cultural and creative industry as the starting point, discuss thecombination of cultural creativity, aesthetics and economy, and then discuss the aesthetic perceptionexperience of Taishan Meining people in the process of cultural and creative production.The analysis focuses on three aspects: first, focusing on the creative team Taishan Meiningpeople,to discuss the creator's aesthetic feeling, perception and related creative experience; Formingthe concept and source of creativity, and reviewing the relevant analysis of its form, shape, andcontent; thirdly, discussing the relevant review of the idea, process and development of regionalself-created brands. The research results take Meining girl as the main axis, discuss the collectiveconsciousness and local emotion jointly created by Taiwan's cultural and creative industries, as wellas the process of Taiwan's cultural and creative enterprises becoming high-quality products, andanalyze the feasibility of their cases.The research conclusions can be summarized into three points: First, extend the researchresults, implement the cultural and creative industries, and compose the story of Barbie in Taiwanthrough the research cases promoted by the Industrial Cultural Center, and concretely implement thegovernment's goodwill to promote the cultural and creative industries. Second, strengthen thepromotion of the younger generation and increase the youth participation rate. Due to thetransformation of the social demographic structure, Taishan may face the crisis of traditionalindustrial technology and historical memory inheritance. If the promotion to the younger generationcan be strengthened, it will be translated into traditional industries. At the same time, increasing theyouth participation rate may open up new paths for the development of the doll industry. Third, theexperimental discussion on the styles of Taiwanese traditional costumes is applied to the doll bodyshape, so as to promote Taiwanese traditional costumes to make the image of dolls artistic, toachieve the goal of inheriting the tradition and carrying forward innovation, and it is necessary toplan the marketing of the existing industrial achievements. It is expected that after theimplementation of the plan, the cultural and creative products of Taiwanese traditional costumesand dolls will be completed.

Keywords: Taiwan traditional costumes, Southern Fujian, Hakka, cultural and creativedevelopment, Taishan Industrial Culture Museum


 5. 芳香療法對社區中高齡者心率變異度之影響

Effects of Aromatherapy on Heart Rate Variability for theEffects of Aromatherapy on Heart Rate Variability for theMiddle-aged and Elderly in the Community

柯美華*Ke, Mei-Hua* / 鄭志明Zheng,Zhi-Ming / 廖家偉Liao,Chia-Wei /謝文英Hsieh, Wen-Ying

 摘 要

  高齡社會時代身心健康問題成為主要議題,透過芳香療法,協助社區中高齡者改善身心高齡社會時代身心健康問題成為主要議題,透過芳香療法,協助社區中高齡者改善身心健康乃為最重要的身心保健議題。本研究旨在探討社區中高齡者心率變異度問題,運用芳香療法的實驗研究,探討中高齡者使用芳香療法後對心率變異度之影響。其研究目的為1. 瞭解社區中高齡者對使用芳香療法「心率變異度」的滿意度。2.探討芳香療法對社區中高齡者心率變異度之影響。為達上述目的,本研究以社區55 歲以上中高齡者為研究對象,進行實驗法之不等組前後測設計,組別分為實驗組A 組(介入複方精油按摩加嗅吸)、B 組(複方精油按摩)、C 組(複方精油嗅吸)、D 組(純基底油按摩)等四組,以及對照組E 組(無任何芳香療法介入),以探討社區中高齡者使用芳香療法後對「心率變異度」的影響。本研究以「心率變異頻譜分析儀量測」搜集資料。所得資料以描述性統計、成對樣本t 檢定分析,獲得其研究結果為:1.社區中高齡者使用芳香療法「心率變異度」低於正常人範圍。2.社區中高齡者使用芳香療法在 「心率變異度」方面無改善。本研究芳香療法實驗結果,可提供給社區中高齡者居家應用參考及社區關懷據點規劃中高齡者健康促進課程與社福團體健康促進課程講師實務應用參考。



    Physical and mental health issues have become the main issues in the aging society. ThroughPhysical and mental health issues have become the main issues in the aging society. Througharomatherapy, helping the middle-aged and elderly in the community to improve their physical andmental health is the most important issue of physical and mental health care. This study aims toexplore the heart rate variability of the middle-aged and elderly people in the community and usethe experimental research of aromatherapy to explore the influence of the middle-aged and elderlypeople on heart rate variability after using aromatherapy. The purpose of the study is 1. Tounderstand the satisfaction of the middle-aged and elderly in the community with the use ofaromatherapy "heart rate variability". 2. To explore the effect of aromatherapy on the heart ratevariability of the middle-aged and elderly people in the community.In order to achieve the above purpose, this study focuses on the middle-aged and elderly over55 years old in the community as the research object. The experimental method was designed fordifferent groups before and after the test. The groups were divided into four groups: experimentalgroup A group (intervention compound essential oil massage plus sniffing), group B (compoundessential oil massage), group C (compound essential oil sniffing), and group D (pure base oilmassage), and the control group E group (without any aromatherapy intervention), to explore theeffects of aromatherapy on heart rate variability in the middle-aged and elderly in the community.This study collects data by "heart rate variability spectrum analyzer measurement". The obtaineddata was analyzed by descriptive statistics and paired sample t-test, and the research results were asfollows: 1. The "heart rate variability" of the middle-aged and elderly people in the community whoused aromatherapy was lower than the normal range. 2. There is no improvement in "heart ratevariability" when the middle-aged and elderly in the community use aromatherapy.The results of the aromatherapy experiment in this study can provide references for the homeapplication of the middle-aged and elderly people in the community and the practical applicationreference for lecturers of health promotion courses for the middle-aged and elderly in the planningof community care bases and health promotion courses for social welfare groups.

Keywords: aromatherapy, middle-aged and elderly, heart rate variability




發行單位 中華民國美容經營管理學會

發  行  人: 曾俊明

總  編  輯: 王全祿

編輯委員:  陳德發 李明峻 詹慧珊 邵東子 郭彥谷

技術委員: 陳立賢 許淑燕 潘惠蘭 許雅惠 邱筱婷

法律顧問: 英典聯合法律事務所所長 曾信嘉 律師

編輯製作: 美容科技學刊 編輯部

建議售價: NT$ 400/期

出版日期: 2020 年12 月

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